Traditional Mediums
Stop Motion Exploration
Stop Motion video collaboration exploring how the intimacy and vulnerability of relationships affect individual growth. Project realized through mixed media of dance improvisation, body paint, and stop motion image capture.
Ryan Jackson (bodypaint)
Taylor Kindred (dancer)
Becca Fox (Photographer)
Ford Hauser (Photographer/Pre-Pro)
The Lena
The Lena is a famous photo used in original digital image processing compression tests. I was introduced to this Lena during a MatLab class, and well, I fell in love with her image and had to know more! Here is her story!
Recreation Photographer: Theik Smith Photography
The Nameless Lady: A Ritual
Short film project created for Thickett’s Season 1 Winter Keelach offering a viewpoint on the “sacrifice of the nameless lady” and crossing between realms.